Tuesday, February 20, 2018

How to: Organize Your Things

                  How to: Organize Your Things

          You probably want to know how to organize your things, if you stopped to read 📖this blog. Organizing your things is pretty simple, but KEEPING them organized is where things go downhill.

      1.  Keep track of your things.                          

First thing first, you want to know where you want things to be placed at.

      2. You can color code your things🖍.(optional)

 In order to find things easier you can color code things like binders,✏️ pencils, etc.

      3. Make it from biggest to smallest or vice versa.

If you are organizing things like books📚, organizing it by size can be the way to go.

       4. MAKE IT FUN‼️
If you are organizing something make it fun while you are so that way you don't get tired 😴of it easily.

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